Hey there, thank you for visiting my website!
I'm a Pacific Northwest native and I reside in the greater Seattle area with my loving long-time partner. <3
I have been drawing since a very young age and greatly enjoy drawing females and feminine characters! Pin-ups are one of my favorite things to draw, both cheesecake and beefcake!
I have been a freelance convention artist for over a decade, attending many conventions across the country and in Canada each year. I even had the privilege of being the Guest of Honor for Vancoufur 2015.
I often travel with my "convention wife" MossFox and can almost always be seen at conventions tabling next to her.
I love bubble tea, chocolate chip cookies, and warm fuzzy hoodies. <3
upcoming Conventions
My Character(s)

Onnanoko or "Onna"
My main character or "fursona"
Original and not based off of any single species, she's more a mix of lots of things I like and has slowly formed into the chub she is today.